
Showing posts from April, 2019

1863 Blog (Word Cloud)

1863 Memes (Sergeant Parrott, Ian Sidk)


Vocabulary for 1863

Songs of the Civil War -Anna K/Captain Scales

These songs which were commonly known to Union soldiers  served great importance in that they boosted morale and gave hope to Union soldiers that one day victory would be theirs and that they might return home victorious with honor. These are only some  of the many songs sang that served a reminder of their cause to take up arms. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. When Johnny comes marching home again,  Hurrah! Hurrah!  We'll give him a hearty welcome then  Hurrah! Hurrah!  The men will cheer and the boys will shout  The ladies they will all turn out  And we'll all feel gay,  When Johnny comes marching home.  The old church bell will peal with joy  Hurrah! Hurrah!  To welcome home our darling boy  Hurrah! Hurrah!  The village lads and lassies say  With roses they will strew the way,  And we'll all feel gay  When Johnny comes marching home.  Get ready for the Jubilee,  Hurra...

Letter to father

Dear Father, it’s your son McCook I have been going well and still surviving in this brutal civil war. We are running low on ammunition in our regiment and Presedent Lincoln won’t send re enforcements  because of Gen. McClellan. Speaking of him he was recently fired and replaced by Gen. Ulysses S.Grant. All is doing well With regards, Midshipman McCook

A letter to my family (Sebastian Warren)

Dear Larry and Sara                                 It has been another year in the war and another year without seeing you two.  I miss the both of you dearly and wish I could come home.  In the last year a lot has happened for the war.  Two warships made of iron fought in the sea and ended up both leaving.  And we won a battle at  Shiloh Tennessee, but a very bloody one.  We also lost again at Bull Run.  One of the worst fights was Antietam,  we thought because we had the enemy plans we could take them easily and win quickly.  We were surprised at how well the enemy troops set up and it turned out to be a full out bloodbath.  We ended up winning but not without casualties. I miss you very much Yours truly Stephen Taylor .

1862 Blog (Quizlet)

The Battle of Antietam the movie (Ian Sidik)

Two Generals go face to face in the city of Sharpsburg. In the Union, we have General George McClellan and in the Confederacy, we have General Robert E. Lee. General Lee, uses the high ground and the cornfields to have the advantage, while General McClellan is cautious with his men and chooses to send factions of his army instead of using his whole army to overrun them. In the Confederate corner, we have the famous Stonewall Jackson and James Longstreet. And in the Union , we have General Joseph Hooker, General Ambrose Burnside, General Joseph Mansfield, General Edwin Sumner, General William Franklin, and General Fitz Porter. 2,100 union soldiers were killed, 9,550 were wounded, and 750 were missing, bringing a total of 12,400 casualties. 1,550 confederate soldiers were killed, 7,750 were wounded, and 1,020 were missing, bringing a total of 10,030 casualties. This making the bloodiest single day battle in American history. It was a Union victory from them repelling the Confed...